Sponsor A Child
If are interested in making a donation to support a local child – this is your chance! These donations can be made year-round – they are not specific to any particular time of year. Donations can be made in any amount of your choice. Just follow these simple steps:
- Decide on the type of sponsorship you’d like to support (details of the different options can be found on this website page).
- Indicate on the form below how much you’d like to donate.
- Hit “submit”.
- Make the donation by either sending in a check to T&E Care, attn: Sponsor a Child, PO Box 2111, Southeastern, PA 19399 or by clicking on the Donate button. (You do NOT need to have a Paypal account to make this payment – it can be done with just a credit card. Please note that T&E Care will lose a small % of this donation to Paypal.)
If you have a Venmo app on your phone – you can also make a donation to T&E Care using that app. Go to @TECARE — Our logo is:
. The last 4 digits of our phone number are 1068.

Be sure to fill out the form first so we know when the payment comes in what it’s for. You might also choose to have your donation be unrestricted, and it will go to the program most in need. Questions – send them to us at donations@tecare.org. Thanks!!!!
Sponsor a Child – What Is It?
It is often education that breaks the cycle of poverty. With tuition rising quickly, attaining a college degree can be more challengin
g for some. The College Assistance Program provides aid to offset tuition costs, purchase textbooks and computers, and help with other college-related fees and costs.


The Home & Hearth Program helps local families—people right in our community—who are temporarily struggling to make a housing or utility payment. Our goal is to prevent families from entering a downward economic spiral from which recovery can be very difficult, if not impossible. Keeping a family in a house with the heat turned on is a very important part of our mission.

School lunch in the T/E School District is $4-$5/day and reduced lunch is about 40¢ a day. Struggling families who make just over the federal limits must pay full price. The School Lunch Assistance Program helps address the gap for each qualifying child’s meal account every month.
In our area, most kids have a summer of fun attending enriching camps and going on a family vacation. The kids that T&E Care supports often don’t have these opportunities—their summers typically entail sitting at home, day after day, for almost three months. Can you imagine what a special treat it would be for these kids to be able to attend some type of camp for even just a week? Summer camp
provides important unstructured outdoor play, enables engagement with other kids, teaches new skills, and allows kids to relax in a safe setting.

The mission of T&E Care is to maintain a network of people providing short-term financial and other material assistance to persons in need who live in and around the Tredyffrin and Easttown township areas.
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T&E Care is an IRS recognized non-profit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the tax code. The official registration and financial information of Tredyffrin & Easttown Care may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1 (800) 732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
IMPORTANT NOTE** If you change your email address - please remember to notify us so we can keep you on our email list!!